
Comparing Two Themes In William Shakespeare's Frankenstein And The Tempest

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“Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley and “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare are both similar because they include a father and son relationship between the characters. Frankenstein from the text “Frankenstein” and Prospero from “The Tempest” represent neglectful fathers, while the creature and Caliban represent the abandoned orphans. In spite of their similarities, the characters from both of the texts also have differences between each other. The creature is portrayed as an abandoned son who is superior to Frankenstein, unlike Caliban who is not superior to Prospero. This shows how both “Frankenstein” and “The Tempest” present similar themes to their audience in different ways. Frankenstein’s and Prospero’s characteristics are undifferentiated from one another. From the start, Frankenstein and Prospero both cared and showed kindness towards their creations, but as time went on, they grew hatred upon them. Throughout “The Tempest”, it is evident that …show more content…

Both Caliban and the creature are constantly insulted by their creators. Throughout “Frankenstein”, it is clear that Frankenstein abhors the creature and feels ashamed for creating it. In “Frankenstein”, Shelley states, “I shudder to reflect, that I have been the miserable origin and author?” From this piece of text, the reader can infer that Frankenstein wants nothing to do with the creature. Caliban is also treated in a similar manner. Prospero constantly claims that Caliban is incapable of doing anything right and is only capable of committing malicious acts. In the text, Shakespeare states, “Which any print of goodness wilt not take, being capable of all ill.” This statement further emphasizes Prospero’s revulsion towards Caliban. They have both endured neglection and verbal abuse throughout their lifetimes, which has led them to commit wrongful acts of violence upon

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