
Comparison Between Miriam Greenblatt's Elizabeth I And Tudor England

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Elizabeth I and Tudor England, written by Miriam Greenblatt, tells about Queen Elizabeth I’s greatest accomplishments and struggles along the path to becoming the Queen of England. On September 7, 1533, Anne Boleyn gave birth to Elizabeth. Her father, Henry VIII, was desperately hoping for a son. He had divorced his first wife, Catherine, and beheaded Anne for not giving birth to sons. His third wife gave birth to his long-awaited son, Edward. Edward was named heir to Henry VIII. Mary, the daughter of Catherine, was a step above Elizabeth for being heir to the throne. Elizabeth had faced many hardships in her life. Edward being born was the first problem in Elizabeth’s life. After Edward was born, Elizabeth’s title as “Princess of Wales” was snatched from her. When Mary came to power, after Henry VIII and Edward VI died, she lost control of England and put Elizabeth in a hard situation. Mary was a Catholic, but most of the population in her rule were Protestants. The Protestants were uprising against Mary. If Elizabeth, as a Catholic, supported Mary, Elizabeth would be considered an illegal child in the eyes of the church, but Elizabeth did not want to go against her half-sister. Even worse! After Mary got married, she imprisoned Elizabeth because she thought Elizabeth was plotting against her. After Mary Tudor died, Elizabeth became the ruler of England. The first thing she did as queen was forming a better government. Queen Elizabeth …show more content…

This book is great for reports because the content is very straight-forward. Miriam Greenblatt avoided being wordy in Elizabeth I and Tudor England. In my opinion, that was also the book’s greatest flaw. The book struggled to catch my attention and interest. I would recommend Elizabeth I and Tudor England only to the people who enjoy reading about historical events. For those who would like to start reading about history, this would be a good book to start

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