Difference Between Realism And Liberalism

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1.Introduction A policy refers to a course, principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization. Change is the substance of development, the transitions that evoke the birthmark of economic development. Throughout the course of History since the post-modernist era of the late 19th and 20th centuries. The modernist era marks the philosophical movements that, along with cultural trends and changes. Revolutions are the seed growth of economic and social state structures. However what embraces the possibilities of any within societies are the transitions that manifest from various implementations and transformation of policies that are implemented to ensure that societal development happens. Policies are implemented to become the instrument in which changes are made to create opportunities of development. The focal point of the implementation of any policy is to ensure development hence a policy has failed whereby it has not developed any aspect of society. This assignment portrays a clear description of the atrocities encountered through the enforcement of Foreign policies that have affected the cultural and economic trends of South Africa; this assignment shall reach into the depth of African perspectives with regards to foreign policies. The marriage that connects the two theories of Realism and Liberalism, have symbolically represented both the negative and positive attribute of Foreign Policy within the South African Structures. The nature of policies is marked with

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