E-Government Trustworthiness

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Trustworthiness is an expectation on other party who does not behave opportunistically to take the advantages of the particular situation (Lee et al. 2015 cited from Gefen et al. 2003b). Furthermore, they have proposed trust as “cognitively active construct”. Trustworthiness is a key issue especially in an online environment where as more uncertainty can be seen (Hajli 2015 cited from Pavlov 2003). To endorse trustworthiness in an e-government context, it is necessary to pay more attention to build up trust among the users having some strategic mechanisms by emphasizing the credibility of the government websites. On the other hand, trustworthiness encompass people’s willingness to get information and give information in which government website …show more content…

They have identified and shown the importance of different dimensions which are applied in various situations and environments. Thus, reviewing past studies, it was able to identify five significant dimensions which cause to build the trustworthiness in the context of concerned country. The acknowledged dimensions are; Trust in government and internet (Belanger and Carter 2008; Teo et al. 2008; Mofleh and Wanous 2008; Mahadeo 2009; Akkaya et al. 2012; Sharma et al. 2014; Alomari 2014); e-government is an internet-driven activity like other innovative services such as e-commerce, e-business, e-banking. Thus, users of self-service technologies like e-government concern about reliability of the websites. They expect to complete the desired task successfully in the virtual environment without facing technical problems. If they face such issues their trust on government websites may drop. This implies that service provider should set up the structural conditions (related to technology) to complete a task without an error. Those who have trust in the internet are easily adapted to e-government services as well as those who trust the government also adapt easily. Mahadeo (2009) has considered trust of the government and trust of the internet as one dimension, since these two go with together. Accordingly, trust in government and internet is treated as one dimension …show more content…

2015; Ayash et al. 2013; Akram and Malik 2012; Teo et al. 2008; David et al. 2004; Almahamid et al. 2010); content of a website should match with the user requirements. What user expects from a particular website should be able to fulfill. So that, if the content is relevant to user requirements user will be satisfied and retain and content relevance implies information quality. The user’s judgment about the available information depends on information quality. If the information in government websites is accurate, valid and timely updated, appropriate for their tasks, comprehensive, relevant, error free and precise, it is said that quality is there. Accordingly, if people feel that quality information can be obtained through government websites, then people’s confidence will be built up and it leads to make trustworthiness about the use of e-government services. Above evidences reveal that information quality makes trustworthiness of user and considered as a dimension for the

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