
Disadvantages Of Cellulose

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Cellulose normally referred as the most abundant macromolecule on earth that produced by plant. This cellulose is a type of carbohydrate which often found in plant. The cellulose synthesis can also occurs in other groups rather than plants, such as groups of algae, a number of bacterial species including cyanobacteria and also tunicates in the animal kingdom (Saxena et al., 2005). Cellulose generally consists of glucose glycosidically linked in β-1-4 conformation as shown in Figure 2.1. The repeating unit of the polymer synthesis consists of two glucose molecules bonded together. Similarly, the molecular formula of bacterial cellulose (C6H10O5)n is the same as the plant cellulose, but differ by their physical and chemical features. Bacterial cellulose is more preferred rather than plant cellulose since it can be obtained in higher purity and exhibits a higher degree polymerization and crystalinity index. In addition, the bacterial cellulose contains higher tensile strength and water holding capacity compared to plant cellulose …show more content…

Acetobacter aceti has four subspecies which are aceti, orleanensis, xylinum and liquafaciens. Acetic acid bacteria are bacteria that derive their energy from the oxidation of ethanol to acetic acid during fermentation. These types of bacteria are found naturally, where ethanol is being formed as a result of yeast fermentation of sugars and plant carbohydrates. Acetic acid bacteria have important roles in food and beverage production, as well as in the bio production of industrial chemicals. Jonas and Farah (1997) stated that the gram negative bacterium Acetobacter xylinum is the most studied for its capacity to synthesis cellulose among other bacteria that can synthesis bacterial cellulose. Keshk (1999) reported that different substrates used can produce different yield of bacterial

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