
Distal Biceps Brachii: A Case Study

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1. Distal Biceps Brachii
a. The biceps brachii has two heads; the long and the short head. The long head originates onto the supraglenoid tuberosity, and the short head originates onto the coracoid process of the scapula. Both the heads insert onto the radial tuberosity (Starkey, Brown, & Ryan, 2011).
b. The main functions of the distal biceps brachii are elbow flexion and forearm supination. (Starkey, et al., 2011).
2. Cubital Fossa
a. The cubital fossa is a triangular area along the elbow made up of medial portion of the brachioradialis muscle, the lateral portion of the pronator teres, and the horizontal line between the two epicondyles (Starkey, et al., 2011).
b. The brachial artery, the median nerve, and the biceps brachii tendon pass …show more content…

a. The brachioradioalis originates onto the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus, and inserts onto the styloid process of the radius (Starkey, et al., 2011).
b. Its main functions are elbow flexion, and pronation/supination of the forearm (Starkey, et al., 2011).
Wrist Flexors
4. Pronator teres
a. The pronator teres originates on the medial epicondyle of the humerus, and the coronoid process of the ulna. Both these origin points inert onto the middle one third of the radius (Starkey, et al., 2011).
b. Its main functions are forearm pronation and elbow flexion (Starkey, et al., 2011).
5. Flexor carpi radialis
a. The flexor carpi radialis originates on the medial epicondyle, and inserts onto the palmar side of the base of the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones (Starkey, et al., 2011).
b. Its main functions are forearm pronation, wrist flexion, radial deviation, and elbow flexion (Starkey, et al., …show more content…

Radial head
a. The radial head, the proximal articulating surface of the radius to the humerus, is concave to allow gliding and rotation on the capitellum (Starkey, et al., 2011).
b. To palpate the radial head move slightly distal to the lateral joint line, under the posterior aspect of the wrist extensor muscles. It becomes more palpable when the patient pronates and supinates their forearm (Starkey, et al., 2011).
13. Radial collateral ligament
a. The radial collateral ligament is located between the radial head and the lateral epicondyle (Starkey, et al., 2011).
b. This ligament resist varus stresses, and helps maintain the close articulation between the humeral and radial surfaces (Starkey, et al., 2011).
14. Capitellum
a. The capitellum is located proximal from the radial head across the joint line (Starkey, et al., 2011).
b. To palpate, passively pronate and supinate the forearm with the elbow flexed. If there is any notable crepitus, it could indicate radiocapitular chondromalacia (Starkey, et al., 2011).
15. Annular ligament
a. The annular ligament is a structure that permits internal and external rotation of the radial head on the capitellum (Starkey, et al.,

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