
Enfield Rifle Causes

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the long-term causes went much deeper than the issue arised about the Enfield rifle. There was underlying political grievances from the indians, the displacement of a large number of ruler and chiefs was led by the British policy of territorial annexations. Under the governor-generalship of Lord Dalhousie, a number of independent kingdom annexation to British Empire was successful. Under his policy 'Doctrine of Lapse' both the princes and landowners had been subjected to the heavy hand of government and he wished to removed as many feudal states as he could and leaving only a few of the larger ones nominally independent yet actually would be the control of the central government.this planned was designated to lead to better government and …show more content…

Rani lakshmi Bai and Nana Sahib became bitter enemies of the British and they led the revolt in their respective territories. A blatant act of back-stabbing by the British were widely seen through the annexation of awadh whereas the nawabs of awadh had always been loyal to the British. the sepoy was mostly came from awadh and British action deeply hurt the sentiments of them. even under the new regime, peasants had to pay even higher revenue and additional taxes were imposed therefore there was no relief from opperession. the British also provided no alternative source of employment to the people who lost their jobs due to the dissolution of the nawab's administration. in addition, the annexation of several indian states was the further causes the britsih to face a rebellion in India. the corruption and inefficiency in the british administration also created further political unrest and the indians surely wanted to get rid of the …show more content…

the peasants suffered due to high revenue demands and strict revenue collection policy and this led to a general discontentment grew rapidly and strongly among the indian soldiers as most of them came from peasant families. the adverse effects of the industrial revolution was also being felt due to the British economic policies in India that worked against the interests of indian trade and industry. the indian handicrafts completely collapsed and the craftsmen were also impoverished, as a result the British had drained india of her wealth and all of her natural resources. the resumption of tax free land and confiscation of jagirs caused discontent among the jagirdars and zamindars and Lord William Bentinck had also attached several jagirs in Bengal thus resuming the tax free lands. hence it caused widespread resentment not only among the landed aristocracy but also caused great destruction to a larger section of the middle-class people. a corrupt and unresponsive administration that created by british had led to the dissatisficaton of indian and triggering the rebellion in

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