Essay About My Childhood

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When did playing outside and chasing ice cream trucks turn into playing on iPads and disconnecting from family a part of childhood? As a kid, my afternoons were spent outside with my older brother. We used to make up games to play and steal some money out of my dad’s car as we anticipated the arrival of the ice cream truck. I’ve had a simple childhood, with minimum technology, and no well developed games at all. All I’ve had was a sandy pit and a worn out goal net. To me though, it was not just a worn out goal net, it was many different places and where a lot of my childhood adventures took place. The difference between my childhood and my sister’s ongoing childhood is very clear, the way I’ve lived it is much more different than the way she is living it now.
Firstly, bonding with the family didn’t and isn’t going well with my sister. She did not get the opportunity to bond with any of our brothers because by the time she was born, technology was already very well developed and was already a big part of my family’s everyday life. The first personal mobile phone and laptop I’ve had was when I was 14, before that there was only one computer that was shared between the family. The phone as well wasn’t special because it was a used phone that was passed down to me from my mother. Kids nowadays already have their own phone by 5 years old. Mostly all …show more content…

Our old neighborhood was small and so my brothers and I were friends with a few of the neighbor’s kids. During the afternoons, it was no surprise to see us kids spread out playing on the streets. Whilst I made friends by going outside and meeting them personally, my sister however is making friends on social games and social networks. A lot of kids are already signed up on many different social networks such as Skype, Instagram, and Snapchat etc. she talks to me about all the different people she knows or have talked to but she hasn’t even met them in real

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