Essay On Acne Breakouts

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Pregnant women can experience acne breakouts because of the hormonal imbalance that they are experiencing. Since the body is producing more androgens, they can cause the sebaceous glands on the skin to produce more oil hence there is a high chance that the skin becomes clogged with dirt, oil, and sweat which can trigger acne breakouts.

Acne breakouts during this time can range from mild to severe and they can happen any time throughout the pregnancy. Those who already have acne can experience worse breakouts when they are pregnant while others noticed some improvement on their skin. The problem with dealing with acne while you are pregnant is that spot-on treatments containing tetracycline, minocycline and doxycycline should be avoided as these ingredients can affect your pregnancy. What can you do to minimize your acne problems then?

The good news is that you can look for …show more content…

What can it do to your skin that can't be found in other skin care treatments? Well, if you are pregnant, you will need to exercise caution when it comes to using creams and lotions on your skin because you should consider their effects on your baby. Fortunately, the best natural acne treatment has plenty of health benefits to offer such as:

• It treats acne fast – For pregnant women, getting rid of or minimizing the appearance of acne can help bring back their self-confidence which is why using natural treatments to solve their acne woes is highly recommended. These products contain natural ingredients that can dry up acne fast and heal the skin so that you will be able to see your skin become smooth and beautiful once more.
• It heals the skin – Organic ingredients do have the power to heal the skin after acne which is one of the reasons why having it in your arsenal is going to be beneficial for you in the long run. A good acne treatment should have healing properties that can repair and rejuvenate damaged

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