Chocolate Harvesting: Chocolate Liquor

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4. Chocolate processing 4.1. Equipment Equipment used in chocolate processing is another variable to consider. The goal in roasting is to achieve a clean, even roast with good flavor development. The most common method of roasting is nib roasting and whole bean roasting. The roasting parameters are critical to determining the flavor and color of the chocolate liquor produced, and ultimately the chocolate that will be made from this chocolate liquor. 4.2. Harvesting The process begins with harvesting. Grown cocoa pods are harvested twice a year. The harvest times vary from region to region, but the process of converting it into chocolate begins immediately. The pods are cut open with machetes and the white pulp containing the cocoa beans …show more content…

The melted chocolate is poured into plastic bar-shaped moulds and agitated to remove any air bubbles. Larger chocolate makers will have machines and conveyors that deposit exactly the right amount of chocolate into each mould, but many smaller manufacturers still do this part by hand. While Dick Taylor’s intricate mould is inspired by their backgrounds in woodworking. 4.12. Wrapping Once cooled, the chocolate is wrapped up ready to be sent out. While some of the biggest makers have machines to help with this, most makers still wrap their bars completely by hand. 6. Consumption of chocolate Consumption of chocolate from 1999 to 2020 (in million tons) The world’s biggest chocolate consumers When it comes to league of chocolatics , we found that Switzerland is in front with the annual per capita .It’s well known for its chocolate industry with Toblerone one of its more organizable brands.when Germany is in the second position with the average person eating (17.4 lbs) of chocolate every year . Switzerland 19.8 lbs/year Germany 17.4 lbs/year Ireland 16.3 lbs/year United kingdom 16.3 lbs/year Norway 14.6 lbs/year Sweden 11.9 lbs/year Australia 10.8 …show more content…

• Chocolate helps with math: Psychologists found that flavanols helped people with their mental math. Study subjects had an easier time counting backwards from a randomly-generated number between 800 and 999 after drinking a cup of hot chocolate than they did without the cocoa. “The findings suggest students who drink or eat chocolate when revising exams may gain a real benefit from doing so. • Chocolate may prevent cancer: Cocoa contains a compound called pentamer , which damages cancer cell’s ability to spread. When researchers from the Lombardi comprehensive cancer center treated cancer cells with pentamer back in 2005, the proteins necessary for cancer growth were suppressed and cells stopped dividing. • Chocolate helps people in Alzheimer’s: As we know, the nerve pathways to the brain get damaged when Alzheimer’s disease blows, causing severe loss in certain mental functions. It is charming to read about how one extract from cocoa, called lavado, can actually reduce the damage done to these vital pathways. • Chocolate helps to lower your blood pressure: Having amount of NO (Nitric oxide) in your body can help your arteries to

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