Essay On Compound Nouns

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Compound nouns are words for people, animals, places, things, or ideas, made up of two or more words. Most compound nouns are made with nouns that have been modified by adjectives or other nouns. In many compound nouns, the first word describes or modifies the second word, giving us insight into what kind of thing an item is, or providing us with clues about the item’s purpose. The second word usually identifies the item. Compound nouns are sometimes one word, like toothpaste, haircut, or bedroom. These are often referred to as closed or solid compound nouns. Sometimes compound nouns are connected with a hyphen: dry-cleaning, daughter-in-law, and well-being are some examples of hyphenated compound nouns. Sometimes compound nouns appear as two separate words: full moon, Christmas tree, and …show more content…

According to Framkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2007), two or more words maybe joined to form new compound words, the kinds of combinations that occur in English are nearly limitless, compounding is a common and frequent process for enlarging the vocabulary of all languages, all languages have rules for conjoining words to form compound, English compounds are variously spelled with dashes, spaces or nothing between the individual words the original strong accents of the syllables in the other members are automatically reduced to a secondary level, the varieties of compounds receive strong accents on the final elements. Methodology The more you read and write, the more compound noun examples you’ll encounter. The following sentences are just a few examples of compound nouns. Compound noun examples have been italicized for easy identification. Compound nouns can be made with two nouns: Let’s just wait at this bus stop. I love watching fireflies on warm summer nights. While you’re at the store, please pick up some toothpaste, a six-pack of ginger ale, and some egg rolls. Compound nouns can be made with an adjective and a

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