Speech About Stress

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In the newspapers, in the magazines, in the cinema, in the television, everywhere we listen people that talks about the stress..

Why is it so? The stress has been part of the human race from the beginnings of the history, why do we pay it so much attention now?

Has it changed? Is it now more more dangerous than before? Or is it because now we have discovered its incidence in our lives?

Stress is an unavoidable consequence of life and it is not something exclusive of the human beings, because the animals also have it. But the stress it is not necessarily bad.

To win the lottery can produce much more stress that to not win it, but the difference rests in the organic answer that we will have in a case and the other.

On the other hand, …show more content…

A good stress level doesn't exist. A person with sedentary habits, can feel stressed if you put him in a work that requires excessive mobility.

A person accustomed to work on the stock market or in positions that requireS a high level of adrenaline and stress, can feel stressed if it is confined to a sedentary work on a desk.

The good level of stress is different for each person, and for that reason each one must determine what he likes and makes him well. And even this way, this level will modify with the years.

When you feel that the stress has gone beyond YOUR acceptable limit, you should look for a way of dealing with the excessive stress, since more than the strong stressors, what makes us feel sick is the accumulated stress.

Once we detect that we carry accumulated stress, we have two ways to solve it, one is to eliminate the stressor from our lives (which is not always possible) another is to modify the way in which we react.

The steps to follow should be to learn how to become aware when you have been surpassed by the stress.
1. What is it it that usually produces stress on you?
2. What do you feel in your body?
3. How do you react emotionally?

Recognize what it is that you can do about it, …show more content…

Do you feel responsible for things that you can not control?
2. Do you feel in the obligation of pleasing everybody?
3. Do you always want to be right?
4. Don't you agree that everything can not be so serious neither so urgent?
5. Get used to think that the stress is something that you are learning how to control, and NOT something that overcomes you

Learn how to modify your emotional answer
1. Learn how to breathe slower in front of stressing situations
2. Practice relaxation and mind control
3. Take anxiolitics (only if your doctor has prescribed them) until you learn how to control your mind and body
4. Build a physical reservation to respond better to the stress:
5. Feed in a moderate form avoiding the excesses of fat and alcohol
6. Swim, walk, ride in bicycle, practice jogging or gymnastics of some type, three times a week
7. Try not to have overweight, neither be below a normal weight
8. Try to not smoke, and not no drink tea or coffee in excess
9. Learn how to have resting intervals during your work or study
10. Rest enough at night and if it is possible take a short nap (30 minutes) after lunch.

Modify your social

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