Sports Persuasive Speech

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Good Morning/Afternoon Board of Directors for Channel 7. Whenever you turn on the TV, you are going to, at some point, see some kind of rugby, swimming or athletics. Television events such as the Olympics and Commonwealth Games showcase swimming, athletics etc. in a very bright spotlight. However, there are sports that are pushed aside, sidelined and not broadcast unless someone representing Australia has made it further than expected or has won a medal of some description. This is unfair to all those in the minority that have spent time, put in effort and sacrificed so much just to go. All to never even be recognised if they didn’t make it past the heats. Not only is this wrong, it is completely unfair. Today I will speak about why all sports …show more content…

In Australia, sports like rugby and tennis are broadcast regularly. We even get the Super Bowl broadcast, even though we have nothing to do with American Football for the rest of the year! These popular sports take up all the time dedicated to sports broadcasts, leaving other sports to be sidelined. The reason for popular sports to be broadcast is because many people participate in them or enjoy watching them. TV companies therefore broadcast these sports as they gain ratings. However, if these minority sports were given a larger spot on TV, people might actually want to watch them! Shocking, I know. Take Table Tennis for example. A fun game that you can play at most caravan parks when you go away on holiday. Now, hands up if you saw that being broadcast for the last summer Olympics! (None…Just as I suspected/(number) were they highlights or actual matches? My point exactly.) Quick side note: hands up if you heard that last October I competed at state level for archery, won and took away 4 state records? (number) Figures. It never got put in the newsletter. If we gave all sports equal broadcasting time, we would be acknowledging the existence of sports that are outside the top 5 in the world, maybe even inspiring others to join. This is why it is imperative that all sports be given equal broadcasting time. My conclusion? Giving all sports equal broadcasting time would be acknowledging all of the hard work put in by athletes in the sports they love. Thank you for your time and your

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