Essay On Uterus

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Interesting facts:
• The uterus is super-elastic
The uterus, which measures just 2 and 3 inches in width and length respectively, becomes a super-elastic structure during pregnancy. As the foetus grows, so also the womb stretches and by the time a woman enters the 36th week of pregnancy, the uterus has stretched to the navel and the lower portion of the rib cage.
• In extremely rare cases, a female baby is born with two uterus
In extremely rare cases, a female baby is born with two uteruses - a condition called didelphys. Generally, a female foetus develops two tubes that fuse together to form the uterus. But sometimes in a rare case, the tubes develop independently leading to the formation of two separate structures. This is called a double uterus.
• Some women are born without a womb
Some females are born without a uterus. While they go all through all the puberty changes they just don’t menstruate. Women without a uterus are perfectly healthy individuals; it is just that they cannot get pregnant.
• Responsible for menstruation
The uterus is responsible for menstruation in women. When an egg is released from the ovary, it travels along the fallopian tube in search of a sperm. In the meantime, the endometrial layer of the uterus gets ready to receive the fertilized egg. However, if the egg is not fertilized, then menstrual …show more content…

If an egg gets fertilized, then the zygote implants itself to the wall of the uterus and starts developing. Over the course of nine months, the uterus protects and nourishes the foetus till it is time for the baby to be born. The uterus consists of three layers – the inner layer (endometrium), middle layer (myometrium) and outer layer (perimetrium). It is the myometrium layer that assists the uterus during childbirth in helping the baby move out of the body via the cervix and

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