Ethical Hacking: The Consequences Of Hacking And Security

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As we know internet is still growing and e-commerce is on its advance. Near every electronic device may have its own IP address, which are connected more and more by internet, wireless networks and devices. Therefore for securing services, system and networks some efforts are need to be spended. So security is a topic of concern. Ethical hacking is nothing but testing your computer and networks. It is necessary to test for security vulnerabilities before it is being exploited by a bad guys or hacker. There is a silent war on the internet between bad guy and a bad guy. Good guys are the ones who are trying hard to secure the information and the bad guys are ones who are trying to get prohibited access to these information. As security is a never ending process, there is no fire and forget solution. Securing an information technology environment is not simple just like a bunch of actions which can be taken and then forgotten. It is not simple to maintain a high level of security. Many questions arises everyday- Are we secure? , and answering such question is not simple. It is not able to say, by help of which factors we can state that environment is secure or not. As we all have heard about the hackers, so who are these hackers. Is it important to know about them? As most of us are suffered the consequences of hacker actions, we will try to understand the hacker objectives, ethical hacking process, different types of hacker etc. This all will be explained in this

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