Image Processing Essay

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Human Computer Interaction Where controlling Computer and Applications through Image Processing and Voice Recognition
Hardik Dinesh Patil1, Bhuvaneshwar Annladasula2, Viraj Birajdar3, Amol Ambodhare4
BE Student, CSE Department, ISB&M School of Technology, Pune, India. 1,2,3,4 hardikpatil100@gmail.com1, 2, viraj_birajdar@rediffmail.com3, ambodhare.amol@gmail.com4
Developing new intuitive and more natural interfaces is one of the biggest challenges in human computer interaction. Currently computer is strongly tied to the high resolution pointing devices. This provides two dimensional discrete inputs to the computer system. This is current standard interface in personal computers. While the working of such devices in today’s interfaces cannot be denied, but there are opportunities to use various other sensing devices like video camera and micro phones for giving input to the computer through hand gestures and voice commands. image processing techniques such as image segmentation, gesture recognition and using voice recognition, to control mouse actions and other application …show more content…

Blurred image is in RGB colour model then to get the better complete description of the colour we will convert it in to the HSV colour model. Then we will apply the Thresholding according to the colour tapes we are using. The threshold image then used to detect blob where we are applying blob detection algorithm. We will find the Centre of those blobs and recognize the blob movements and that movement can be used to move mouse and perform other mouse operations. At the same time the Speech commands are processed using SAPI interface. Extracted commands through SAPI are compared with the commands saved in database and according to it the actions are performed using process builder. We are using Robot API to perform various keystrokes to the computer

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