Impact Of Political Islam

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Political origins and impact of Political Islam come from Quran and Sunna the habits of the Prophet and aspects of the political movements in other countries. Traditional political aspects of Islam compose of Shura which is based on consultation among subjects and it is also against the unjust rulers. During the Ottoman period Islam had spread throughout the world. The importance of Islamic law is that there is not enforcement against non-Muslim people. In this essay, I will explain the three concepts about Political Islam which is origins of Islam, Islamic states and impact of political Islam by giving specific examples from medieval and current Islamic thinkers and leaders.
From the beginning, political movements of Islam …show more content…

It is selected by election in the time of Ebu Bakar, Uthman and Ali as a caliph. From the Rashidun Caliphate to 20th Century Islamic States tracked the government based system instead of Caliphs. In this system, Caliphs switched with Sultan and Ulema who were composed of Islamic scholars following the rules of Sharia. Ulema were a guardian of law. Laws were created by consensus therefore there is more democratic but less democratic participation during the Islamic Golden Age. During that time, Muslim world was experiencing a great flourishing with the scientific, economic and cultural area. Between the 11th and 13th centuries, Islam had contributed many ancient classical texts. Most of them were translated from Arabic to many languages. Moreover science, astronomy and mathematics were developed during the 10th century. For example Alhazen who is Islamic philosopher contributed principles of optics, astronomy, mathematics. In medieval Europe he was awarded as “Ptolemaus Secundus” (Ptolemy the Second). His works also used as a reference to many scholars like Newton and Descartes. In technology, Islam was contributed number of crops astronomical instruments used by latitude to Europe. In philosophy Al-Ghazali was the one of the important philosophers contributing to Europe. According to Margaret Smith, “There can …show more content…

His aim was the remove the rules of Colonialism in India because they struggled with the rules of colonialism. They believed that none of the current Islamic Parties aims to get rid of the rules of colonialism. The party thought that state should be managed rules of Sharia. Members of political parties were selected if members knows the real meanings of Tevhid which is there is only one God. According to Mawdudi’s view if you are Muslim you should become a member of Jammat-I Islam or you stand judged as a Jews who rejected to idea of Islam. The political party made mandatory rules for members to rejects any ideas of secular states and nearly every key idea of secular institutions. For instance the participation of legislative assembly, the judiciary assembly, the army and current banking system which was based on interests was forbidden by such an Islamic state. Besides that Mawdudi was open the membership of Islamic Party for women. He decided this rule based on Quran and Hadiths. Fatima Jinnah was the candidate in the Pakistani presidential elections in the 1960s. Mawdudi supported her to become candidate in elections. The 1990s elections Jemmat-I Islam did no longer exist as a pious Muslim Party and there were also some members which did not adhere to Sharia. So party misplaced its

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