Written Law And Unwritten Law Essay

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1.1 Background of the paper

In recent years we have been shocked by several cases in our country. Starting from mild cases and severe cases. The perpetrator of this case is certainly very dangerous for us and of course for our state. lets we imagine it, what happen if a country are no have a rules for regulated the behavior of people on there? Of course this country is not safe, many crises happen and of course away from the word prosperous. If a state wants the prosperity, the state needs a system that regulates the behavior of society, and the system we call "law".

Therefore, in all countries have applicable law. But what if the law is not fair? It would invite a feud between the people and the law …show more content…

from a form of abuse of power in politics, economics and society in various ways and acting. From two concepts, I can conclude that law is a system that regulates human behavior. The law has many kinds of it, here is a list of various laws that apply in Indonesia :

1. Based on the shape. There are 2 types in this form, namely written law and unwritten law.
2. Based on the source. There are five types, namely laws of law, customs, tracts, doctrines and jurisprudence.
3. 3.Based on Time Based on the time the law is divided into 3 namely: Ius constitutum, Ius constituendum and Basic Law.
4. based on the place of entry into force. There are three kinds, namely, national, international, and foreign law.
5. 5.Based on its nature. There are only two types, namely: coercive and non- coercive law.
6. 6.Based on How to Maintain it Based on how to maintain it is divided into 2, namely material and formal law.
7. Law Based on the Contents Based on the contents of the law is divided into …show more content…

Well, what the impact if the law is not fair? That certainly will not be good for the sustainability of a country. If we look at the pancasila which is the foundation of this country, in the fifth precept it reads "keadilan indonesia", how a country will have a progress if one of its nation's base can not be accomplished, that is why society is demanding to be given justice. Some of the impact that would have happened if the law had been unfair:

1. The more rampant Nepotism.
For those who have power in the offense can easily get out of the conviction of a punishment, which will cause the officials and the important people, will be immune to the law.
2. Enmity Perhaps.
This is the first thing to happen after nepotism starts to bloom. People who are upset and feel not given justice will not remain silent. Starting from a more dispute of words, until the worst happens like a violent ending.
3. The state will be in a crisis position.
One basic aspect of the state is unfulfilled, this will happen. The state will experience crisis in various

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