Importance Of Malnutrition

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Health and nutrition are the two sides of a coin. A good health can’t be achieved Without having intake of proper nutrient food. Health is a state of complete physical and social well being of an individual which can be seen in the form of social participation and nutrition is the intake of food which constitutes all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals required for body growth. So good health is always proportional to good nutrition. Malnutrition leads to diseases like head ache, abortion, vomiting, diarroeha, fever, neural disorders etc. We are living in the country , where (the rate of malnutrition) there is high incidence of malnutrition (52.3%) than non-tribal households (42.8%) 2005, National Family Planning Health Survey(NFHS). …show more content…

At state level anganwadi’s, ICDS were started to eradicate malnutrition among children and to create awareness among the mothers towards importance of nutrition and health. Inspite of several schemes and programmes at grassroots level, the targets could not be achieved at a significant level .hence ,it has to be more severely to be addressed as the people were being resettled due to which there will be change in the food habits among the tribals . NGO’S and government has been working paralelly towards enhancement of health and nutritional standards among the tribal population . This paper discuss about Perception of tribal women towards health and

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