Why Is Laboratory Safety Important

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In general safety means the absence of any threats or risks in the product or process. Safety is a big concern for all those who work in laboratory related work. An “act” is safer or not depends upon all the risk associated with it. If we eliminate all the associated risk from an activity we may call it ‘safe’ which is not possible at all as complete freedom from a risk does not exist in a laboratory. Dictionary defines “safe” as free from risk but nothing is totally free from risk. The first step towards safety is to identify the sources of hazards in the lab helps to minimize the accidents. There are some of the hazards in the biomedical lab which are not identified and assessed by the workers own their own due to the lack of experience and training. It is advised that safety must be the second nature of all the laboratory workers so that It becomes their intrinsic part of the personality. Prior to use a product you must go through the manufacturer provided MSDS to fully understand the safe operation of a machine as proper dealing with the laboratory equipment provides adequate safety. …show more content…

All medical instruments in the lab run with electricity and electricity could be hazardous. It is important to identify all the electrical hazards in the lab and post warning sign near them. Most electrical accidents result from one of the following three factors:
o …show more content…


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