Fast Food Restaurants In Indonesia

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Food may appear as simple as just a collection of self-satisfying things for us human beings, but

there is more to it. Human beings all over the globe share a common fundamental and significant

need for survival; and that is the need of nutrients. Eating proper food containing just the right

amount of nutrients will help maintain the right body metabolism. It seems really simple to be

done, but in reality it is one of the biggest problems arising right now.

Food is defined as something very essential for living creatures, even more for us humans.

Humans eat food for different purposes, but it is mainly to satisfy hunger and to complete the

need for nutrition. As for culture, it can be interpreted as a lifestyle, from a group of people

whose ancestors …show more content…

Hence, people all over the globe began to know of the term fast food.

Take KFC for example, as of September 2012, it has 426 outlets through out Indonesia. It is but

one of the hundreds of fast food restaurants in Indonesia. With it, we can say that Indonesian

people culture has changed from simply consuming traditional food into consuming fast food.

Fast food, which contains high doses of carbohydrates, sugar, fat, salt, and preservatives, is one

of the main reason for malnutrition that is happening across the world, without exception for

Indonesia. Based on research, As of June 2014, Indonesia ranked in the top 10 of countries for

the most people affected by obesity. Data has shown that more than 40 million people in

Indonesia are affected by obesity. The cause can be related to our eating culture, in which most

people tend to eat more fastfood or junkfood, without being offset by eating the right amount of

vegetables. Malnutrition, such as obesity, if not taken care of, can lead to several fatal disease

from diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disorder, and even to cancer.

So, since Indonesia is in a dire situation, what we need to do now to overcome and prevent this

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