Role Played By Information Technology In Education Essay

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Today everyone is aware of the role played by information and technology in our everyday life, either directly or indirectly. Technology is advancing itself at a very high pace. The technology invented today becomes old tomorrow. Our educational institutes like universities and colleges have a responsibility to prepare learners to take advantage of the latest tools and techniques to help them tackle complex problems. In this research paper we will explore the role played by information technology in education and will also discuss about the various challenges encountered in this respect. The first challenge is on the part of teachers. It is prime responsibility of the teachers to integrate new technologies into their classrooms, but due to lack of adequate and ongoing professional development they themselves are unprepared or unable to understand new technologies. Secondly it is found that teachers have a mindset that technological experiment is outside the scope of their job descriptions. There teaching is restricted to defined syllabus and not beyond it. Rigid lecture-and-test models of learning are failing to challenge students to experiment and engage in informal learning. Opportunities for such informal learning can be found in non-traditional classroom models, such as flipped classrooms, which allow for a blending of formal and informal learning. There are teachers that are looking for the need of personalized …show more content…

An increasing shift toward blended learning, online-learning, and technology-driven collaborative learning;
2. The growth in the potential of social networks to allow teachers to engage students online;
3. Openness of educational resources and technology is "becoming a value";
4. BYOD ( Bring your own device) is becoming more common as the cost of technology drops for students; and
5. The role of the educator is being challenged as resources become more accessible on the

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