
Jean Jacques Chretien Impact On Canadian Politics

1981 Words8 Pages

What do war, universal healthcare and the economic sanctions have in common? They are all a direct result of political decisions. Politics and politicians prove to be one of the most powerful concepts and people in today's modern world. Whether a country is at war or peace has a soaring economy or is in a recession is all decided by political decisions and the quality of politicians making these decisions. With this in mind, politics will forever be engrained in history with each decade having its own notorious list of politicians and political events. For example in the 1990’s Canada’s future was drastically impacted by political events. Politicians such as Jean Jacques Chretien would make decisions that would set up Canada's future. The …show more content…

The Prime Minister is responsible for leading the country and moving the country forward. In the 1990’s the man that wielded this power was Joseph Jean Jacques Chretien. Chretien was the Canadian Prime Minister from 1993-2003 and served a total of three terms in office representing the liberal party. During Chretien first term in parliament his liberal party formed a majority government, however their main oppositions were regional powers in the reform party in Western Canadian and Quebec based Bloc Quebecois (Bothwell, "Jean Chrétien."). These regionals power in parliament were symbolic of the growing discontent amongst Canadians. In the 1990’s many Canadians in certain regions of Canada were united and content with the current status of the country, however Canadians in other regions such as Western Canada and Quebec were dissatisfied with the country as a whole and even threatened referendum. In spite of this, referendum would not occur for two years into Chretiens first term as Quebec and the Bloc Quebecois would finally pursue referendum through a separatist movement in 1995. Chretien, as a French Canadian prime Minister would play a crucial role in the prevention of this separatist movement. His role in the prevention of this movement would prove to be his legacy as if he failed not only would the Canadian economy, political influence, and nationalism suffer but this would also open the door …show more content…

The Soviet Union was the world's leading communist power and one the world's superpowers through the 20th century. However, on December 25th of 1991 after years of economic struggle the Soviet Union finally collapsed and split into 15 different states. This collapse was a result of the publically operated Soviet business not being to able to compete with the privately owned business of democratic countries. As a result, a major economic collapse would occur within Soviet borders. THese economic collapse left widespread discontent amongst the citizens of the communist country and resulted in the country splitting into 15 different states (History.com Staff. "Fall of the Soviet Union."). Considering this, the collapse of the Soviet Union greatly impacted Canada and the world as whole. Being that throughout the 20th century and up to the 1990’s there was a great debate between whether or not democracy or communism is the better political system. With the Soviet Union being the leading communist country, their collapse finally ended that debate and did unintentional would do a favour to democratic countries. Since the Soviet Union, the world's leading communist country had a economic collapse it would be symbolic of the end of the thought of worldwide communism. This is due to world's citizens finally seeing that the

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