
John Adams Film Analysis

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The miniseries John Adams is, “a timely piece of television during an election year. The film focuses on one man but it’s the a story of an American government when politicians used their words as a declaration of their virtue[,]” (Andrea Mineo). Based on the novel by David McCullough, John Adams tells the story of John Adams and his experiences during the birth of the United States of America as a free nation. The movie delves into both the political and personal sides of John Adams’ life. John Adams tells the story of the Revolution accurately in most cases, but can be found at fault of misrepresentation in many instances. These inaccuracies, no matter how small or large they may seem, change the way John Adams tells the tale of John …show more content…

Although most of the trial etiquette and formalities are portrayed accurately in John Adams, the results of the trials are not portrayed in the way the trials would have actually occurred. In history, Captain Preston faced trial first without the other soldiers as codefendants, where he was found not guilty. After Captain Preston was found not guilty, “The eight soldiers were brought to trial weeks later (...). Six of the soldiers were found not guilty but two, Hugh Montgomery and Matthew Killroy were convicted of manslaughter. They both received brands on their right thumbs as punishment[,]” (“John Adams (miniseries)”). In John Adams it is depicted that all of the soldiers including Captain Preston are being given one trial in which all of them are found not guilty. The story John Adams tells attempts to reinforce the idea that the justice system in the colonies were always just and fair whether the accused were patriots or loyalists. Although historically that is what John Adams proved by defending the soldiers and having most of them found not guilty, it is inaccurate to show the trials the way John Adams …show more content…

This is true for some vice presidents throughout history and John Adams is accurate in portraying the duties of the vice president; however, John Adams is shown making a tie breaker vote in the movie; “In reality, his vote was never required as the Senate passed the resolution by 20-10. Furthermore, the vice president would never be required to cast a vote in a treaty ratification because Article II of the Constitution requires that treaties receive a two-thirds vote[,]” (“John Adams (miniseries)”). This inaccuracy serves the purpose of giving the audience an event that represents John Adams’ life turning around. After this vote, John Adams depicts John Adams feeling much more useful as a vice president, mending his marriage, and later becoming president. John Adams’ misrepresentation of the vote does not change the course of the film entirely, but it does portray the role of the vice president to the viewer in a false manner. Although one vice president has broken as many as 29 ties, most vice presidents make less than four during their entire 4 years in the potion and 26% of vice presidents never get the chance to break a tie at all. Therefore, it is inaccurate for John Adams to portray the tie being broken when in reality the vice president is almost never given the honor of casting such a vote whilst the senate is in

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