
Learning Zone Theory

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Introduction Our conscious exits in one of two states. There is the learning zone, and the performance zone. This theory of conscious serves as two dimensions, essentially, that rely heavily on one another. In the learning zone, there is low-risk. It is a state of openness to humility, one of which is strategically planned for distinct growth. In the performance zone, one must take what they learn and apply. The key separation between two zones is that of risk. One is performing with something to lose, such as a business proposal or a speech. But, for success in such acts, much time must be spent in the learning zone. These defined zones are a way of thought in which brings balance to one’s reality. When examining the role of followers …show more content…

He continually visualized who he wanted to be by the age of 20, and reverse engineered the process. Then, at 20, when asked the same question again, he said that his hero was himself in 10 years. This accountability, and self-visualization, is the only way to create a successful path. When a leader can motivate me to do such, to visualize as Matthew does in the present, there is not much more that I can ask from them.
In its entirety, that is what a great leader is for. That is, to target a person’s strengths and sharpen them for the better. But, it is the duty of the follower to be self-aware of their strengths for them to be sharpened. I live by the motto of, “doors will be opened for you, but you must walk through them”. If you know your strengths and weaknesses, but are not active against the bettering of each, then there will be no progress.
I have tried to hone this technique since my days of youth football. Even as the quarterback of my team, many odds were against me. I was small and not very knowledgeable of the game, just to state a few. But instead of focusing on these two weaknesses, and the many others, I triple-downed on my strengths. I had tremendous speed, and a coached who believed in me. With these two, alone, I could find success on the field. Had I have focused on the weaknesses, though, such success would have not been …show more content…

This is a two-way street, one with countless measurable facets. Say a leader is not clear in communication and approachable by those who follow, then they could be considered over-glorified. But, say a leader is the opposite of such, then the appreciation for the followers will be fulfilled; and the glorification of the leader would be dimmed. But again, such an assumption is all dependent upon the situation and the numerous facets in which are present.
Being a great follower relies most upon both ambition, and open-mindedness. Ambition creates motive, or the “why”, for one’s actions. This is a self-instilled trait, one that could determine success or failure. But being open-minded is just as important. Such a mindset allows for humility, which is the only road to growth. One must be open to new information, both positive and negative. But, over everything, this mindset allows one to visualize and dream. In conclusion, there will be countless more times in the future where I must embrace the role of the follower. No matter the situation to come, I will continue tripling-down on my strengths so my weaknesses do not overcome. What I look forward to the most, though, is the times of execution. A diamond is only formed one way, and that is under

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