Literature Review On Poverty

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Rural poverty means the poverty that is found in rural areas, which includes factors of rural society, rural economy, and also rural political systems which give rise to the poverty found there.[1] Rural poverty is often studied in conjunction with spatial inequality, which refers to the inequality between urban as well as rural areas. The rural poverty and the spatial inequality both are global phenomena, in general, there are higher rates of rural poverty in the developing countries than when compared to the developed countries. Removing rural poverty through effective policies and economic growth is still a challenge for the international community. poverty is an important issue in the field of rural development. There will be no development if any household/person in any country lives under the Poverty Line (BPL). Calorie concept is the measuring rod of poverty. First Director General of FAO was the first person to found the starvation line in 1945 which states that the consumption of less than 2300 calories per person each day. This idea has been modified in to poverty line. Planning Commission of India has stated poverty line on the basis of the essential nutritional requirements of 2400 calories per person each day for rural areas and and for urban areas 2100 calories per person each day. Income criterion has been adopted in India to determine poverty line,based on this information . The latest updated income criterion to

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