Mcdonald's Disease Case Study

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Answer: The symptoms which are shown in patients help us to identify the disease and its causing agents. The children who were at McDonald on November 28th and 29th and employee of McDonald Jenny, show following similar symptoms:
 Abdominal pain.
 Fever.
 Vomiting.
 Loose watery stools.
These are all the symptoms of diarrhea and nausea. We know that diarrhea is mostly caused by Rotavirus. Other causative pathogens include E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter etc. Nausea is mostly caused by Rotavirus and Staphylococcus aureus. Regarding the spread of these diseases especially the diarrhea, the pathogens of this disease transfer from infected person to other persons (non-infected) by two means; direct contact and indirect contact. …show more content…

Different ways infectious diseases can be spread through direct contact including person to person, animal to persons etc. In this case, person to person way is related. Basically person to person is a typical route for infectious diseases to spread is through the direct exchange of bacteria, viruses or different germs starting with one person then onto the next. This would have happened in environment of McDonald when Jenny with the bacterium or infection would have touches, hacks or sneezes on kids who wasn't infected …show more content…

 Increasing awareness in kids about preventive measures of infectious diseases. Washing of hands will be more focused which is the most important preventive measure in this case.
 Organizing social learning programs for employees of nearby stores, companies especially for employees of McDonald and Franklin Park Mall. Under these programs, the employees will be introduced with infectious diseases, causes and spread of these infectious diseases, preventive measure in this regard and their responsibilities and role playing from preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
 Organizing meetings with the managers of Franklin Park Mall and McDonald with the agenda that they will make sure the putting different signs such as “Wash your Hands Before Eating”, “Use Handkerchief while Sneezing” etc. at their environments for employees as well as for customers too. The importance of ensuring clear environment at all parts of their facilities especially at play area of kids of McDonald; will also be discussed with the managers.
 Organizing the social learning program at schools under which kids will be realized with importance of washing hands and proper method of washing hands will also be taught to

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