Essay On Social Media And Technology

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Technology may keep us in touch,but it can rip us apart from society. People overuse social media all the time and people start to depend on it more and more and they start to isolate themselves from society. That’s what causes depression, anxiety, and social awkwardness. Although technology may keep us in contact with family and friends, it’s also the root to many different types of evil that you probably never thought would happen to you. Social media and networking provides a distraction from life. Social media spreads information faster than any other media. However social media enables the spread of false information and 64% of people that use twitter have experienced the same thing.

31% of teens say that using social media during homework …show more content…

One in seven people polled by a UK law firm said they’d considered divorce due to a spouse’s social media use. I can see why the percentage is going up. Social media was made to keep in touch with family and friends but we changed it we use it to embarrass people, spread rumors and show people pictures of Unnecessary things like the food your eating etc. We have changed the reason it was created for and flipped the purpose now it is a source for many things good, bad, and Unnecessary. It wasn’t made for that but now it’s used for. The internet helps us maintain online relationships. However it causes trust issues and problems like divorces and breakups because many people overuse it and their significant other. Social media lets us post an image on social media and we feel we look good. The pictures people post thinking they look good in other people think of it as another chance to make us feel insecure. We’ve long understood that movies, magazines and television damage teens’ body image by enforcing a “thin ideal.” Less known is the impact of social media on body confidence. With the rapid aging down of smartphone ownership, most parents spend “digital parenting” time on character coaching, making sure their kids think before they post and refrain from cyberbullying. I feel that no matter what we think is good that we post or say there’s always gonna be

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