
New Deal Dbq

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The great depression caused the government to go in great debt and made unemployment rates raise a significant amount. From 1929-1939 unemployment rates rose dramatically and the government lost a large amount of money. The crash of the economy caused the government many problems so as a result president Franklin Roosevelt created the new deal to create new jobs for the unemployed and restore the power of banks and large companies. However, there were many drawbacks that the New Deal created. The New Deal was not a good deal because it put the government further into debt, country became controlled by trusts, and people began to take advantage of the government. The new deal caused the government to go further into debt. By paying for the new programs to decrease unemployment rates the government lost a lot of …show more content…

The graph “National debt as % of GNP, 1920-1950,” shows that national debt had a huge increase starting in 1942. By using large amounts of money to create new programs, the government has less money to repay countries back putting them further into national debt. The new jobs created by these programs lowered unemployment rates but only temporarily. As a result once these programs were no longer running unemployment rates began to raise again as shown by “Unemployment in the United States, 1910-1960.” The great depression weakened banks and trusts but the new deal gave them more power creating a large gap between the rich and the poor. “It has been protected the trusts more than the American people. Today the poor are poorer, and the trusts are richer,” M. Santos explains in his article for the Federal Writers Project interview, “The New Deal Was a Failure.” “Absolutely all that one sees is made by trusts.” The new deal caused

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