
Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study

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University of Dammam College of Nursing /Bridging program First year - First semester Psychology (1610 – 115 ) Nocturnal enuresis Prepared by: AMINA MOUSA ALABBAS -2170030117 SALMA TALAL ALNUFEI - 2170030126 MARIAM AL LIEL - 2170030106 2170030110-ZAHRA AL –NASSER Supervised by: Dr. Aleya M. Gamal Outlines: 1- Definition of nocturnal enuresis. 2- Types of nocturnal enuresis. 3- Risk factors. 4- The DSM –IV Criteria for enuresis. 5- Client assessment database. 6-Eitological factors: psychodynamics, biological factors 7- Pharmacologic therapies 8- Nursing diagnosis. *Nursing management (intervention) 9- References. Definition: Nocturnal enuresis "Bed wetting" is the involuntary loss of urine that occurs only at night. It is normal voiding that …show more content…

Numerous causes may, therefore, explain these symptoms. Most evidence suggests that the cause of nocturnal enuresis is multifactorial. Possibilities include the following. A- GENETICS: There is an increased incidence of nocturnal enuresis in children whose parents also had this condition. Both parents, 77%; one parent, 44%; neither parent 15%.-1 2- In monozygotic twins the concordance rate is 68 %; the rate for dizygotic twins is 36 %. The exact gene and what that gene encodes remain unclear.-3 B- MATURATIONAL DELAY: Delayed functional maturation of the central nervous system may reduce the child's ability to inhibit bladder emptying at night. 1- The child's bladder fills, but the sensory output resulting from bladder stretching is not perceived or the message fails to reach the brain, failing, thereby, to inhibit bladder contraction. Functional bladder capacity is small in some children with nocturnal enuresis . – 2 C- SLEEP

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