The Importance Of Organizational Structure

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Organizational structure can be viewed as the way responsibility and power are allocated inside the organization and work procedures are carried out by organizational members. Organizational structure can also be defines as the organization’s internal pattern of relationships, authority, and communication. Organizations must fit structure and processes if the strategy wants produce positive results. The relationship between structure and performance, however, is more tenuous and is mediated by many other organizational constructs. For this reason, it’s believed that a linkage between organizational structure and communication may improve communication capabilities, resulting in different levels of integration.
The problems faced by a non-structured …show more content…

This creates a power struggle among the employees bringing in more confusion on who is in charge and what are the specific roles of each member of the organization. Jobs change with no defined schedule for the employees. One time an employee is in the plant section and the next he or she is working on sales. This produces employees with no specific knowledge on a certain field but rather general information on the running of the organization. More often than not, organizational growth is set around the pre-set objectives and goals. Structureless organization may change the goals and objectives with time to avoid altering the already existing structure. This may result into emerging opportunities passing the organization which in time may render it irrelevant in the market. The flat structure concept of organizational management is only applicable in small structures. Large organizations can only adopt this model if only they split the departments into small organizations with their own policies and protocols but under the umbrella of the whole company. The World Wide Web is a good example of a flat structured organization with a huge number of users who post the content and access the services without having a distinctive clear chain to follow …show more content…

In the business world, administration structure decides the practices, states of mind, demeanor and morals that make the work society. On the off chance that an organization 's authoritative structure is entirely various leveled, with choice making force brought together at the top, the organization 's way of life will probably mirror an absence of flexibility and self-sufficiency at the lower levels. In the event that an organization 's administration structure is decentralized, with shared force and power at all levels, the way of life is prone to be more free, customized and

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