
Personal Narrative: Growing Up In Texas

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Growing up in Texas What is it like growing up in Texas? I have people always state that their home state is the best place to grow up, but I can honestly say where I grew up was the best. We had some much to do and so much to see. Texas has some amazing history in almost every city. I was born March 20, 1991, on the first day of spring. It was a sixty-nine degrees day. I weighed in at seven pounds two and a half ounces. Texas usually has fantastic weather, so growing up there was a dream. When I say fantastic weather I mean we had every season in one day. Sometimes it got crazy but I would not have it any other way. There are many things there to keep people busy depending on where you live. We didn’t travel too much, so seeing things outside of where I grew up did not happen very much. But where I’m from which is Paris Texas, …show more content…

That’s the conclusion I have come to when it comes to what a lot of people tell me. Texas is where I would love to move back to when its time to get out of the military and settle down. Where I come from we go to church, school, have family reunions and love being together. I think where I am from is the heart of the U.S.A. I mean who does not like knowing everyone and spending all the time with your family?
Maybe one day everyone can visit my hometown and see what I fell in love with. The things that I did growing up and I do now. Growing up in Texas is probably one of the best things I have ever experienced in my life. Mainly because that and family is what made me the person I am today. It gave me the life I have because everyone sticks together and is willing to help whoever and whenever they are needed. Growing up in Texas had many great things about it. But having the love and friendships that I did while living there was the best thing I could ever

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