
Pestle Analysis Of Maybank Malaysia

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PESTLE analysis is include of political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors. PESTLE is a business tool that used by companies to track and analyse the macro environment in which the company operate. This tool is very useful which help in overall growth and development of organization after learning from the past mistake and working for future. The first factor is political factor which include such as law of land, taxation policies, rules and regulation, trade restriction and so on. For instance, Maybank Malaysia has been influence by the policies, rules and regulation which introduced by the Malaysian government. In addition, Maybank Malaysia is one of the first local bank which came up with the online …show more content…

Example, Malaysia is a country with growing economy and general rules which effect Maybank would be interest rates. It would be difficult for the loaners to pay back the money if the interest rates is set too high. Then, most of Malaysian people bankrupt due to paying loans with high interest. This will not benefit Maybank because the money has been loaned out has not return in. So, Maybank is now giving out loans to boost the export activity for exporting activity. Thus, it will boost the economic status of the country as well as to increase the Gross Domestic Product of the …show more content…

Technology important for the production and also can impact the decision making of the organisation. Due to the advance technology, the people can solve the problem easily. The example for technological is the customer can do any transaction at their ease through the online system that has created by Maybank. This will save their time and money without going to the Maybank. Besides the technology factor, legal factor is also the factor that have in the PESTLE analysis. The legal factor include of the labor laws, consumer laws, safety standards and many more. This factors is significant because the company has to know about what is legal and what is not and follow the legislation that has been set by the government. For instance, Maybank follow the rules by the Malaysian government with setting the security in online banking system. This will keep the customers safe from cybercrime. Consequently, the legal play a main role in the PESTLE

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