
Ralph And Jack's Leadership In Lord Of The Flies

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In the novel Lord of the Flies, there are various types of leaderships evident.
Ralph and Jack are two of the main characters in the book, who both show a great sense of leadership on the island and towards the boys. Ralph being a democratic leadership, and Jack being a dictatorial leadership. First the fact that Ralph was a democratic leader will be discussed and proven with evidence. Then the fact that Jack was leading a dictatorship. Also that Ralph’s style of leadership is better then Jack’s. There are various types of leaderships evident in Lord of the Flies, Ralph’s being a democratic leadership. Ralph felt that getting rescued was the most important thing on the island. We can see this with his persistence in always keeping …show more content…

The boys knew Ralph would do what is right and best and in the end what they truly wanted. The other boys would be happy that they got a say in what happened on the island as well. Ralph did not change much in the novel, he mostly stuck to his ways of civilization, law, order and rescue. He tasted the urge of savagery in the novel and understands why the other boys have acted so savagely. Although he realized he must stay civilized and did not change. In the novel, Piggy stayed loyal to
Ralph the entire time, believing that his way of leadership was right and true. Samneric also stayed loyal to Ralph along with much of the littluns, because Ralph had cared for them. The other boys were not loyal to him near the end but they still had an amount of respect for him. There are various types of leaderships evident in Lord of the Flies, Jack’s being a dictatorial leadership. In the novel Jack felt that hunting and having fun was the most important thing on the island. We can see this when he lets the fire out, missing an opportunity with a plane to be rescued, and all because he went out to have fun …show more content…

Rescue is what will truly make the boys happy, seeing their families and parents, getting back to civilization, and school, eating healthy, being clean. This is all what the boys really needed. A second reason why Ralph’s style of leadership was better than Jack’s is because Ralph was concerned about the boy’s safety, and earnestly cared about them. Unlike Jack who only cared for himself like a dictator, which is not good leadership because then boys could get hurt, lost, left behind, forgotten about, and much more things. It's evident in the novel that Jack didn't care for the boys because it says he hated the littluns, and everyone who wasn't of use to him. This is a terrible leadership quality. A third reason why Ralph’s style of leadership is better is that Ralph knew what was best for the boys overall. He was always looking for the boys best interest and had good intent, while Jack’s dictatorship consisted of Jack thriving off of the power making only himself feel good and trying to make that last. In the novel Lord of the Flies, there are various types of leaderships evident.
Ralph and Jack, both showed a great sense of leadership on the island and towards

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