Real Sugar Research Paper

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Real sugar is usually removed from diet products under the guise of helping customers to lose weight. The sugars are replaced with artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame (NutraSweet or Equal), saccharin (Sweet'N Low), or sucralose (Splenda). All of these sweeteners have been proven to actually cause weight gain by stimulating carbohydrate and sugar cravings. These chemicals successfully trick a brain into detecting that these products contain a sugar, so a person experiences an artificially-induced sugar crash -- only the artificial crash is worse, since there was never any real sugar for the flood of insulin to handle. Call it nature's revenge, if you like. Before artificially-enhanced foods and drinks, there was no sweetness without calories, and a body does not understand how to regulate these artificially-sweet substances. The lobbyists of artificial sweeteners pretend that these chemicals do not effect insulin, but the carbohydrate cravings prove that they must, and a body really requires carbohydrates or sugar to compensate for the insulin imbalances that are caused by these products. These sweeteners are the primary reason why both dieters and diabetics have such …show more content…

A person exposed to artificial sweeteners is likely to develop diabetic neuropathy, even without having full diabetes. Most users of diet products already have a mild case of it, which will typically go undiagnosed forever. Associated conditions that result are often diagnosed successfully, but it is rare for the root cause to be discovered by standard doctors. The umbrella of associated illnesses are most often categorized as mysteries, but it is becoming increasing common for doctors to blame genetics when all of the other guesses are

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