Red Wire Case Study Scope

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University of Pangasinan-Phinma Education Network School of Graduates and Professional Studies Dagupan City MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION A Case Study of The Wire Rope TITLE Rowena Magno Reyes Student Name April 30, 2017 Date of Submission Executive Summary Red Wire Corp (RWC) has produced wire rope under the “Red Wire” brand for more than forty years and has more than 60% share of the wire rope market in the Philippines. Its quality and reputation as a reliable, durable and safe wire for construction cranes, conveyors, elevators and other uses are well deserved This specially designed that was internally developed by the company. This special machine and process makes the Red Wire rope more safe to use and accounts for …show more content…

When we say responsibility it is our obligation to do the things that are assigned to us or the things that are needed to be done even though we are not the one assigned to, if we have the capable to helping others with their task its already a responsibility. Decision Criteria Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA) also known as Confidentiality Agreement. - Is a legal contract between at least two parties that outlines confidential knowledge, material or information that the parties want to share with the other parties for a certain purpose, But wish to restrict any third parties. Assumptions In every company there’s a Confidentiality Agreement. In this case it doesn’t say that there’s a Confidentiality Agreement, but I assumed that there is. On the middle part of the case. There’s an opportunity that you were to join a stock taking teams and you were able to see everything, to know everything the company does for having a excellent quality product and maintaining in the top market. Data …show more content…

Ideally, the contract should set forth as specifically as possible the scope of information covered by the agreement. The disclosing party may be reluctant to describe the information in the contract, for fear that some of the confidential information might be revealed in the contract itself. Confidential information is only revealed to another party for a specific purpose. The agreement should set forth what the purpose is. Many confidentiality agreements do not have a disclosure provision. This provision states that in return for agreeing to keep the information confidential, the Recipient has the right to receive the information. Since this puts a duty on the Discloser to disclose its confidential information, the Discloser should carefully consider the scope of any such provision. For this case it may help the company not to close the company by not disclosing specifically but by just giving them an idea of the things that RWC do, it may not be exact but the meaning or the thought of the plan is

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