
Relevant Evidence: Case Study

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Part A

A) Abbot’s coin collection worth $750,000
B) Relevant evidence, was removed from the scene of the crime
C) Physical
D) Direct

A) Door glass that was removed
B) Relevant evidence, shows forced entry into Abbot’s house
C) Physical
D) Direct

A) Shoe left in passageway
B) Relevant evidence, shows forced entry was successful and places suspect at the scene
C) Physical
D) Circumstantial

A) Abbot’s dead body in the house
B) Relevant evidence, shows a homicide was committed
C) Physical
D) Direct

A) Bloody sock near the fence where Barker and Dillenger jumped/ran away
B) Relevant evidence, blood samples left in the house and on the sock will match
C) Physical
D) Circumstantial

A) Blood stains found in the house (bulkhead, living room, …show more content…

B) Relevant evidence, will show if the round fired into Abbot matched the weapon discovered in the car. This will link the murder weapon to the murderer
C) Physical
D) Circumstantial

A) Statement from the next door neighbors Jack and Jill, stating they heard a gun go off in Abbot’s house.
B) Relevant evidence, eye witness testimony to hearing a gun sound off, indicative of a crime taking place
C) Oral
D) Direct

A) Statement from Jones about what he observed while walking his dog.
B) Relevant evidence, eye witness testimony stating that two witnesses fled the crime scene and the finding of a dead body
C) Oral
D) Direct

A) The stop of Dillenger and Baker by the deputy

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