
Research Paper On Little Rock Nine

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The Little Rock Nine

The Little Rock Nine are a group of nine African American Students that played an important role in the Civil Rights Movement. Although there was resistance between these nine students and the community they stood strong and walked in the streets lined with soldiers to school. The picture of Elizabeth and Hazel is a glimpse into a time when it was hard for African American’s to become a part of a society who were not welcoming. When looking at a picture of such controversy it brings emotions of sadness and anger. When the nine black students tried to attend an all-white school on September 4, 1957, although they had the right, they were denied. Not only were they denied the right from the students but from adults and people of political influence in Arkansas. The Little Rock Nine were part of a major part of the Civil Rights movement and consisted of three boys and six girls.
Central High School was the first high school in the south to set to be desegregated since the United States Supreme Court had ruled in Brown vs Board of Education, that separate education was unconstitutional. Inspired, Elizabeth wanted to become a lawyer, and she thought Central would help her realize that dream.On the television, as Elizabeth ate her breakfast, a newsman described …show more content…

When looking at a picture of such controversy it brings emotions of sadness and anger. When the nine black students tried to attend an all-white school on September 4, 1957, although they had the right, they were denied. Not only were they denied the right from the students but from adults and people of political influence in Arkansas. The Little Rock Nine were part of a major part of the Civil Rights movement. Although we have come a long way we are still faced with some of the same hatred that was shown back

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