
Argumentative Essay: The Hunger Games

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The twelve districts in theory should view the Hunger Games as the necessary tool that keeps Panem from uprising and self-destruction, however, the reception of the Games in the really poor districts clearly shows that the Capitol cannot reform them to think so. Statistically, the poor districts are always the most likely to lose one year’s competition because they lack resources to train tributes and their children are starving. Therefore, the response to the Hunger Games in the poor districts who are on the brink of starvation is the most dramatic. Citizens of districts such as 11 and 12 can only view the Games as injustice because once a child is chosen at the Reaping he or she is evidently doomed to die. There are rare exceptions as the …show more content…

The powerless families and loved ones of the tributes stay at home and as parents bear witness to their son or daughter’s murder on live television. Just to inflict the greatest pain possible on them, families must watch the death of their child on several occasions. Each death is broadcast once on live television when it actually happens and once more when the victor of the Games is presented with the images of all the killings that took place in that year’s show and again in the annual three-hour-long summary. The poor districts also have to celebrate the victor of each year when he or she visits the district during the Victory Tour. Naturally, the victor can be the person who was responsible for killing the children of that particular district. For the poor districts the Games are about living in constant fear of either death or losing one of their loved ones. The violent events in the arenas might entertain the Capitol residents, but “they cannot fool those in the districts, who are faced every day with the signifiers of violent repression” such as whippings or executions (Day

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