Similarities Between O Brother Where Art Thou And The Odyssey

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Car vs. boat. “Horny toad” vs. cannibalism. In Homer's The Odyssey and “O Brother Where Art Thou?”, some of the same things are displayed, but there are also many differences shown. “O Brother Where Art Thou?” and The Odyssey contain many similarities. In both, the sirens sing a harmonious song that puts the men in a spell. A man gets restrained in the movie and the text. Both setting consist in a body of water. Homer’s text states, “Homer catalogues the trials and tribulations of Odysseus and his sailors as they sail from Troy back home to Ithaca.” As well as they both having similarities, there is also many differences. Between the video and the text, many differences are shown. In the text, “The Sirens’ tempt him with their

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