
Similarities Between Roosevelt And Bill Clinton

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Many people may not see any similarities between the presidencies of Bill Clinton and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. At a first glance their time periods seem very different, and their economic and domestic policies may seem different as well. When truly comparing these two Presidents, however, many similarities can be seen between each of their terms in office. They each reacted to recessions, created economic opportunities, and furthered social issues such as education in the same manner. Due to this, I believe that Clinton and Roosevelt were very similar presidents, both in actions, decision making, and results. Both Roosevelt and Clinton entered their first term as president after a recession. As such, each man began their presidency with …show more content…

Through the G.I. Bill and other such pieces of legislation, Roosevelt encouraged discharged members of the military to attend college, and receive higher education. Through his new deal program, he increased federal funding for public schools, built public libraries, and encouraged educational programs across the country. Roosevelt recognized that many Americans at this time had difficulty receiving an education, and worked to remedy the problem to the best of his ability. Similarly, Clinton passed a number of pieces of legislation intended to improve education ime. His increased education standards, school choice, and education and training investment significantly increased the number of charter schools in America, raised SAT and ACT scores, and doubled federal investments in education and training. In the largest expansion of college opportunities since Roosevelt’s G.I. Bill, Clinton expanded federal financial-aid programs and work-study programs, giving millions more students the ability to receive higher education. These actions are highly reminiscent of Roosevelt 's, as each speaks to a man prepared he believed the best way to improve America was through the educational

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