
Stamp Act Of 1763 Summary

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In the American colonies between 1763 and 1775, a burning desire for freedom and to rid themselves of the perpetual taxation sparked within the aggravated colonists; leading to the people of the thirteen colonies to declare their separation from Great Britain. The British government placed a multitude of restraints onto the American colonists which limited the colonies ability to develop as a region in the process. In 1763 the Proclamation Act was passed which forbade the colonists to settle West of the Appalachian Mountains and required people who were previously living on that land to move back to the East. The American colonist was extremely frustrated at that passing of this law since they won the French and Indian War for the British …show more content…

The British were in massive debt following the French and Indian war, therefore they placed taxes on the colonists in order to regenerate some of that money lost. The Sugar Act of 1764 taxed the sale of molasses in hopes to gain some lost money, but this act led the people of Boston to boycott the molasses industry. The Stamp Act of 1765 shortly followed, making colonists buy a stamp with every paper product. The rage the colonists felt over the passing of this act, led the colonies to begin to unify as they together boycotted the trade industry. The Townshend Duties of 1767 imposed taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper and tea, but this only led to the colonist to again boycott the trade of those items and start newspaper attack. The Tea Act which took place in 1773, and was one of the last attempts from the British to control the amount of money it was making on the colonies. The Boston Tea Party occurred soon after this act started being enforced, resulting in hundreds of cases of tea being dumped into the Boston Harbour. The British kept on attempting to pass taxes in the American colonies but every new tax they passed fueled the revolutionary flame within the angered

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