
Summary Of The Article Best Practices For Adolescent Ells

657 Words3 Pages

Christian Gilliland
ED 322
Fall Semester, 2014
Rance-Roney, J. (2009). Best Practices for Adolescent ELLs. Educational Leadership, 66(7), 32-37.

Summary ALL students have the right to an education. Schools across the country should have this mentality when it comes to the general education curriculum. In the article, Best Practices for ELL’s by Judith Rance-Roney, she addresses the difficult challenges teachers face when teaching the growing population of ELL students in public schools. This article discusses the best ways to educate and include ELL students in mainstream classes.
One of the first changes the author thinks needs changing is simply the attitude towards ELL students. Public schools may shy away from welcoming students who can speak or understand little to no English. The reason for this indifference is, because of the No Child Left Behind Act, after one year of enrollment all students must take the required standardized tests. These students include ELL’s. If the teachers do not prepare the students to perform well on the test, then in turn, the school is put at risk of failing (Rance-Roney, 33). Rance-Roney thinks that schools and teachers should embrace these students and try to dispel the myths …show more content…

Because all students should have the right to an equal education, ELL’s should have equal access to the same resources that other students have. The whole school should be on board with welcoming, supporting, and making the ELL student’s transition easier (Rance-Roney, 34). Teachers can also make a global community classroom, by doing so, it will create a culture rich environment inviting ELL’s and educating their peers on other cultures. Teachers can also adopt a dual curriculum for the ELL students that support their second language development but also teaches them the required standards (Rance-Roney,

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