Rank Bound Translation Equivalence Essay

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The Data 8 above concerns with Indonesian full reduplication of verbal bases within a complex verb that derives the reciprocal verb tarik-menarik as the translation equivalence of the English noun with a reciprocal meaning ‘attraction’. The translation equivalence is established by textual equivalence and formal correspondence.

The pattern of the SL noun ‘attraction’ exhibits a verbal base ‘attract’ that derives the noun ‘attraction’ and is attached to the derivational suffix –ion. The TL pattern indicates the derivation of the reciprocal verb tarik-menarik consisting of the verb base tarik plus the prefix meng- and the reduplicated base.

The undergoer voice (UV) in tarik-menarik is the unmarked bare verb tarik, and the agentive voice (AV) …show more content…

In term of equivalence, the translation can be observed from the point of view of equivalence as an empirical phenomenon proposed by Catford (1965). Equivalence as an empirical phenomenon is conducted by comparing the SL and the TL text to determine textual equivalence and formal correspondence. “A textual equivalent is any TL text or portion of text which is observed on a particular occasion to be the equivalent of a given SL text or portion of text.” For textual equivalence, according to Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (2003), ‘attraction’ (n) means “the act, process, or power of attracting; a force acting mutually between particles of matter, tending to draw them together, and resisting their separation, the possession by one thing of a quality that pulls another to it.” From this definition, it can be seen that ‘attraction’ indicates reciprocity of the activity of pulling. The derivation of tarik-menarik from the verbal base tarik indicates a reciprocal action of pulling in meaning, therefore, it can be said that tarik-menarik is textual equivalence of

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