
Tecumseh And The Quest For Leadership Summary

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"Tecumseh and the Quest for Leadership" by R. David Edmunds is a biography about Tecumseh's life and what he did. Before we get into the book, first let's get to know a little bit about the author. R. David Edmunds is a professor of history at the University of Texas in Dallas. His focuses are Native American people and the American West's histories. He wrote or edited about ten books. He also received many awards for his works such as "Alfred Heggoy Prize for the book The Fox Wars: The Mesquakie Challenge to New France" in 1994. (utdallas.edu, people, dedmunds) Now that we know about the author. Let's move on to the book. The Shawnee warrior Tecumseh was born in 1768 near Springfield, Ohio. Tecumseh lived in an era where conflicts between …show more content…

At a very early stage in his life, Tecumseh took part in numerous attacks and fights against the American government and the whites. Just like other Native Americans, Tecumseh didn't like the U.S policies in regards to Indian terrains. By 1800 Tecumseh had developed leadership skills and became a war chief. He led more youthful warriors and their families on the White River in east-focal Indiana. In 1805, one of Tecumseh's younger siblings, Tenskwatawa which means "The Open Door," encountered a progression of dreams that changed him into a conspicuous religious pioneer. Tecumseh appeared to be hesitant to acknowledge his sibling's teachings. Not until in 1806, Tecumseh started gradually changed his sibling's religious view into a political development. In 1808 Tecumseh and the Prophet moved their town to the crossroads of the Tippecanoe and Wabash streams, where the new settlement, Prophetstown, kept on drawing in Indians. At Prophetstown, "alarms and apprehensions" were of a different origin. Despite the fact that Harrison, Tecumseh's most powerful American adversary, has furnished the Indians with foodstuffs, these stores were soon drained and the harvest expected in the fall of 1808 neglected to emerge. The Indians had spent the spring and summer in religious and political exercises, and a lot of their corn crop fizzled. In the interim, the town kept on pulling in new …show more content…

Amid mid-November he met with Matthew Elliot, requesting British help for the battle against the Americans. He educated Elliot that he and his siblings had seized power the administration boss and "now dealt with the issues of our Nations." As indicated by Tecumseh, the Indians did not need the British to go to actually fight the Americans; however, they just the British to keep their promise of providing the supplies and ammunition. The Shawnee guaranteed Elliot that "We think ourselves capable of defending our country," but asked that the British "push forwards towards us what may be necessary to supply our wants." (Tecumseh, pg

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