Persuasive Essay About Teenage Rebellion

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The most well-known stereotype for teenagers is their tendency to rebel against their parents. Adults have been trying to figure out this problem for many, many years, and still cannot seem to keep teens from pushing their limits. “The reason why parents usually dislike adolescent rebellion is that it creates more resistance to their job of providing structure, guidance, and supervision…” (Pickhardt). Parents have that structure because they want to keep their children safe, but adolescent kids continue to defy their parent’s rules, and ignore their guidance, making they’re job harder. The reasoning behind all of that lies only in the minds of teenagers. Anyone can think back to their teen years and the hard transition from childhood to becoming an adult. Teenagers are gaining more knowledge than they’ve received in elementary school, and with that intelligence they find more opportunities. They are trusted with the option to forge their own paths, and mold their own identities. Teens begin to realize they no longer have to live in the shadows of their parents pre-made decisions, and they start refusing to listen, because the sweet taste of freedom is too great for them to ignore. When kids are thrown into middle school, pressure …show more content…

Receiving that first paycheck makes a teenager feel like they can now do things of importance. They don’t have to rely on their parents quite so much, and don’t have to feel bad about asking for or spending their parent’s money. The teen has control over what they can spend and save. Their sense of independence begins to really take hold, and they want to cut the connections with their childish identity altogether (Pickhardt). They don’t want to be tied down to their parents, and want to prepare themselves for the future of adulthood that lies before

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