The Benefits Of Technology In Education

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The growth of technology is constantly increasing everyday as people always find a way to either improve upon it or make something new out of it. Almost everyone 's lives incorporate technology; whether it is from work, school, and even for their own entertainment. Almost anyone cannot go a day without seeing some sort of glowing screen; especially children. In 1999, 60% of children had access to a computer at home, which was only 18 years ago. Technology had advanced a whole lot in the past decade. One of those aspects of advancement is for children. There are many applications on tablets and computers that they can use for either learning or pure entertainment. Chip Donohue, Dean of Distance Learning and Continuing Education Director, had asked teachers if they ever utilized technology in their classes in the …show more content…

It is because that when the word “technology” came up, they probably thought that Donohue was referring to a computer or an iPad. It really is almost the same except that the technology had furthered on into more advances and power, making it all different for the teachers who prefer the traditional teaching style than a way that has to do with technology. This is a big leap for some teachers, but they should learn how to stick with this new method. These new methods of teaching can create a better educational experience in several different ways, such as providing more training for the brain 's memory process and more enjoyment by different programs that would keep elementary students awake and wanting to learn. Elementary schools must continue to expose online curriculum to its students because it enhances their learning through the innovative ways of technology, and therefore the government should keep up providing funds to schools in order to provide elementary students with individual

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