
The Dream Act

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The Dream Act
The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act or more commonly referred to as “The Dream Act”, made its debut as a bill some 16 years ago, during the Bush Administration. In the years passed the bill has been call for several votes but has yet to prevail. There the bill sit waiting to become law. The Dream Act in its original form, contained such language that would provide thousands of immigrant children the opportunity to receive U.S. Residency (a “Green Card”). The Dream Act would have ultimately allowed children born to immigrant/undocumented parents within U.S. boarders the ability to serve in the U.S. military or person a degree in higher education, began a career and even get a driver’s license. …show more content…

Here in the United States of America annually, approximately 65,000 undocumented children complete their secondary education. while most children their ages are applying to college, joining the military, or just perusing a career, these 65,000+ students are not. Despite often excelling academically in K- 12 education, being members of student government associations, and exerting great personal character. Their upward mobility to achieve their dreams often end at graduation. Despite being some of the brightest and most promising students; by not holding U.S. citizenship status these students are unable to apply for college, seek gainful employment, or frankly even acquire a driver license. Often, they are left to live in the shadows or be deported and return to their country of origin of which their parents fled.
Scope of the Problem Per resources and literature that critically analyze the scope of the social problem that the Act would address, it illustrates a major problem. Per the American Immigration Council, it is estimated that only between 5 and 10 percent of undocumented high-school graduates go to college. Besides the berries that the immigrants faced which is a clear social problem.
Targeted …show more content…

Because of ridged guidelines and set prerequisites not all immigrants will be eligible. Due to various versions of the Act over the years, the legislation has been watered down and hard to understand due to modifications and alterations. Previsions of previous versions have been at times generous and other times more conservatives depending on the drafters. However, throughout the various bills the basic framework pertaining to target population has been consistent. When analyzing the target population, common themes will be noticed. The major reoccurring themes are: age, education, background, time state side. Immigrants hoping to receive permeant residency through the Dream Act would need to have entered the U.S. before the age of 16, have continuously lived in the U.S. for 5 plus years, hold a high-school diploma or GED; demonstrate a sound moral conscious and can past a background check. It is estimated that there are some 114,000 potential beneficiaries with at least an associate’s degree would be eligible immediately. Also, an estimated 612,000 GED holding immigrants would be eligible for conditional LPR status once attending college. And finally, 934,00 children under 18 could be

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