The Impact Of Mobile Phones On Teenagers

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Mobile phone technology has been changing expeditiously over previous generations. Those born between 1946 and 1964 are classified as Baby Boomers, and those born between 1995 and 2012 are categorised as Generation Z. Over the years, have youths become more connected to their mobile phones, and given up their connections to the real world? Have mobile phones impacted the way we communicate, behave, socialise, and how elders are treated? As part of my research, Shane Lynch, a 57-year-old business owner, was interviewed as so to get a perspective from Generation Baby Boomers.

The world of technology is forever changing how communication is used. Generation Z is the first generation to experience life with internet (Understanding Teenagers Blog, …show more content…

The teenagers of today show limited respect and care of youths’ feelings, and this can lead to various ways of bullying and self-harm. Cyberbullying is a major contributing factor in teen suicide, and it’s the 2nd highest cause of youth death, with every 1 in 10 (20%) attempting, or considering, to end their life (Arvig, 2017). In addition, 42% of youth report that what they see and read on social media personally impacts them emotionally, mentally, and physically (Patel o Contributor, 2018). Lynch states, ‘as a teenager from the Baby Boomers Generation, bullying was only physical, the closest to get to 'cyber ' bullying was ringing someone on the fixed home phone '. Currently, 81% of teenagers state that bullying online is easier to get away with (Arvig, 2017), and, according to another study, 25% of youths admit to writing negative comments online about someone they know (Stein, 2016). Social and technological changes have predominantly impacted cyberbullying, which can lead to lifelong problems, such as negative impacts on the development of future relationships, workplace socialisation, and can impact trust and confidence issues, both online or in …show more content…

Youths from Generation Z are showing less attention to their parents, as they’re becoming more connected to their mobile devices. Lynch stated that ‘youths are more intrigued in their mobile phones, and social media, compared to listing to the previous generations’ experiences and knowledge’. Although most youths don’t reflect on their elders’ advice, mobile phone technology has helped teenagers become accepting of others and their beliefs. According to a recent MTV report, 91% of Generation Z stated that technology has helped them become more understanding of people from different backgrounds and are optimistic that Generation Z can help build and create "a better world" (Xero Blog, 2015). Mobile phones and social media have helped people build confidence and create a better accepting place for youths, but youths aren’t listening nor accepting in advice from previous

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