An Unforgettable Person In My Life Essay

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There are a lot of people out there. Billions, to be frank, and a lot of them have done great things. Saving people 's lives, achieving great things, rising to power, but it seems so boring. Focusing on the little things seems more interesting, at least to some, and it can lead to great things. Like brightening your day, making a dull, depressing household more optimistic. That 's where my grandma comes in. She may have not saved hundreds, but she has helped me, and my family, become a little happier. Despite her depressed outlook, and her over-sleeping, she is quite bright. One thing that helps this, even though it may seem strange, is her strong sense of opinions. From society to politics, to the economy (which all of those were interviewed …show more content…

Her family was not poor, but they weren 't rich, which wasn 't bad, but it wasn 't good either. Her life was "comfortable," as she states. When she graduated high school, she married, but she was already employed when she married. Her relationship was not bad, lasting 21 years, but she and her husband were not in the best of economic …show more content…

The reason why she stopped her involvement was because of this, "Cause in the past I have been, and I don 't, since I learned about the electoral vote, it wasn 't important to me, because I found out that the president had already been elected before we even hear about it on the west coast. So that means that somebody who 's casting a ballot is, it 's not even necessary because the president is already chosen.". For that reason, I would quit involvement as well. As for her opinions on previous presidencies, she states "Well going after the democrats, I 'd say, although I understand Abraham Lincoln was a republican, wasn 't he?" After some discussion, she continued "So, I feel that Abraham Lincoln did a great job, and he would have done a better job if he wasn 't

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